
Sexy Thoughts

Sexy Thoughts #11: Laying the Table…
4 years ago

Sexy Thoughts #11: Laying the Table…

We haven’t posted a ‘Sexy Thoughts’ post for a while, and I teased this on Twitter a little while back. In the mean time, I am working on getting some …
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Sexy Thoughts #10: I Heart Anal
7 years ago

Sexy Thoughts #10: I Heart Anal

Wow, it’s been 6 whole months since our last proper ‘Sexy Thoughts’ post. I sometimes wonder why I actually write them, as I’m sure nobody reads them, or are interested …
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Sexy Thoughts #9: Double Trouble…
7 years ago

Sexy Thoughts #9: Double Trouble…

I love having an orgasm. I really do. But you know what I love more than having an orgasm? Giving someone else an orgasm. Watching someone else twitch and moan …
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Sexy Thoughts #8: Masturbation LIVE!
7 years ago

Sexy Thoughts #8: Masturbation LIVE!

We are firmly into the middle of May now, and I am definitely taking full advantage of International Masturbation Month. This year, i’ve definitely noticed a theme surrounding our escapades. …
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Sexy Thoughts #7: It’s all about the pressure…
7 years ago

Sexy Thoughts #7: It’s all about the pressure…

Can you believe it’s May already? Where has the year gone? It feels like it’s flying by and I’ve barely got time to catch my breath. With that said, you …
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Sexy Thoughts #6: Oral Delight
7 years ago

Sexy Thoughts #6: Oral Delight

This may come as a complete shock to you, but I LOVE giving a blow job. Even more than I like to receive them. But to be fair, i’ve always …
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Sexy Thoughts #5: Shifting Gear…
8 years ago

Sexy Thoughts #5: Shifting Gear…

I absolutely love sex. Completely and unashamedly. I wouldn’t be blogging about it if I didn’t. However, life can sometimes get in the way and it’s frustrating. It especially makes …
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Sexy Thoughts #4: Getting Dirty in the Hot Tub…
8 years ago

Sexy Thoughts #4: Getting Dirty in the Hot Tub…

The following confessional comes with a small warning. Always be careful when engaging in the naughty outside and in/around water. But this was too juicy not to share…

So we …
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Sexy Thoughts #3: Let me take a selfie…
8 years ago

Sexy Thoughts #3: Let me take a selfie…

So those of you who have met me will know that I’m a pretty big guy (Rubenesque, one might say). This means that on a daily basis I struggle with …
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Sexy Thoughts #2: Fantasies and… Pokémon GO?
8 years ago

Sexy Thoughts #2: Fantasies and… Pokémon GO?

We all have our little fantasies. Some of us will act them out, others will just keep them buried. My fantasy is a very common. And not very exciting. But …
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