I am breaking with tradition ever so slightly with today’s review. I will not actually be providing an ‘out of 10’ score; for reasons which will become more obvious as we get into the ‘meat’ of the post. Think of this as a kind of review / public service announcement… so let’s get into it shall we?

We’ve finally reached the midpoint of our block of reviews for the silicone slinger Mr Hankey’s Toys. There is still more to come so don’t you worry about that. But there is a reason that this particular one was left til ‘last’ and why it took me a little bit longer to get it up. You see, I’ve learnt a very important lesson about ensuring that you really pay attention to sizing when you are ordering dildos – and also understanding what your limit is.

Admittedly, when I was choosing my first batch of dildos; I did go for some that were slightly larger than I am used too; but I was also careful to ensure I chose a softer material to ensure that I could play comfortable. But as I’ve just learnt (somewhat painfully) is that even then; sometimes my eyes were bigger than my hole and… well, that’s why the Duke proved to be the challenge that (almost) broke me.

I would like to thank Mr Hankey’s Toys for providing us with the Duke dildo free of charge in exchange for an honest review. Some affiliate links have been used in this post. 

First Impressions

Holy sh*t. That was the first thing I said when I produced this from the box of cock that had been speedily shipped to me. There’s been a mistake… there has to have been. There is no way I would have chosen something this… thick? To be fair, the Duke looks quite mammoth when compared to some of the other larger dildos because it’s just one shape. There’s no texture like there is in say, the Kinky Cobra – which also pushed me to my absolute limit. But I think that’s the reason why the Duke in particular was a struggle – it’s almost 100% girth – there’s no easing into it!

Visually, aside from making my arse hole tremble; it’s another finely crafted piece of silicone. It features some delicious detailing around the tip – the kind of design that you just want to run your tongue around. There are some veins running up and down the length of the shaft, and a big hefty ballsack at the base, covered in little wrinkles. That chunky base is a great anchor point and also would make a decent hand-grip if you’ve chosen to go suction cup-less. The Duke clocks in at 8.75 inches tall, with an insertable length of 6.5 inches. Around the tip, it has a circumference of 5.75 inches before widening to 7 inches towards the middle. At the base, it’s has a circumference of 6.5 inches.

In Use

So listen, I have nothing but absolute respect for anyone who is able to use larger dildos. And to some of you reading this, you’ve probably read those sizes and gone ‘pffft! that’s nothing…’ For me, it’s very much a case of… no, you are not built for this. And that is absolutely OK. Of course I gave it a try but ended up having to throw in the towel after weeks of trying to see if I could take this thing fully. Even with a full warm up, relaxation techniques and goodness knows what else – I could not take this thing any further than the first third. And the one time I was able to get it to about the half-way point, there was a lot of pain which put me out of commission for a week or so.

And this is where the PSA comes in. It’s so easy to let your eyes get the best of you when you are looking at these things. And just because something is listed as ‘small’ – doesn’t mean it’s going to be.. well, small! In fantasy circles, small can still be very large – so it’s important to make sure that you pay close attention to all sizing – you don’t want to end up with something that you can’t use or enjoy. It’s a shame because everything else is so wonderful. The dildo is made beautifully; it looks incredible but I absolutely do have an absolute limit and the Duke has kind of confirmed that for me.

For the time being, I think I’ll be sticking with my absolute favourite from the 6 dildos we have so far reviewed; the Captains Hook. This is an absolute work of art and I am obsessed.

Clean-up and Maintenance

A good soak in some warm soapy water is usually enough to keep your good quality silicone clean and fresh. If you do want to encourage a more ‘deeper’ clean then you can certainly look into boiling your toys; washing in a very mild bleach solution or even popping them on the top rack of your dishwasher (just make sure you’ve emptied it of plates and cups first!). It really is up to you and your lifestyle that will determine what the best way is for you.


Of course I am disappointed that I’ve not been able to give the Duke a full on, proper review – but this is the reason I’ve chosen to not give it an ‘out of 10’ score. Because I don’t think it’s fair to rate something low when it has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the product. If you are someone who is well versed in taking larger toys, or you are someone who has experimented and is confident they can take the next step – then go for it! The Duke is a well crafted dildo and would certainly provide a challenge for someone who is better geared up for it.

So always remember to make sure that you look at every single measurement when you are choosing your next dildo. Compare those measurements to what you have already. Especially if you already own something that’s maybe given you some difficulty in the past. Choose the right material; I will also says softer is better when going for a larger size; you can go much firmer if you are keeping your proportions within a size you are comfortable with. Softer can also work better with more intricate or heavy textures.  Just always make sure you think things through before you hit that ‘Add to Cart’ button and always remember: take plenty of time and use lots of lube. If it’s painful, slow down or STOP and take a break.

Keep those butt holes safe x

Where to Buy

I ordered the Duke in ‘Original’ but is also available in 3 other sizes.

If you are in the UK, you can pick up the Duke from Clonezone; official stockist of Mr Hankey’s. It’s available in all 4 sizes as well.

I would like to thank Mr Hankey’s Toys for providing us with the Duke dildo free of charge in exchange for an honest review. Some affiliate links have been used in this post. If you would like to help support the blog, then please consider making your purchases through these links. Alternatively, please share this article with someone you think would enjoy it! Thank you! 

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