It’s Masturbation May, and I realised I haven’t posted a ‘sexy thoughts’ post in a long time. So with all that in mind, I wanted to bring you a semi-autobiographical post. 

As someone who struggles with positive self-image; I’ve been trying to teach myself to love my body and what better way to do that, than to watch yourself having a wank in a mirror. Some might say it’s narcissistic but for me, its helped me feel more in touch with myself and allowed me to appreciate myself that little bit more. So without further ado, let me introduce my short piece titled ‘Reflection’. Enjoy!

Don’t forget to check out the ‘Sexy Thoughts‘ tag for more stories like this! 


“I stand with my head down in the shower, the powerful jets washing over my shoulders and back… draining away the stresses of the day. I could while away hours just letting the water trickle down my spine. After a moments hesitation, I reach for the tap and turn off the shower. I stand still for a few moments; the slide open the shower door and step out into the cool respite of the bathroom. 

Instead of reaching for the warm, fluffy towel on the radiator; I just waltz straight into the bedroom. Droplets of water slide down my skin and splash onto the floor. I stop still infant of the tall mirror in the bedroom. I glance up and down the wet reflection of my six foot frame. My chest hair is slightly ruffled, with droplets nestled in-between them like small diamonds. The change in temperature from the shower to the bedroom has prompted my nipples to become slightly engorged. I gently stroke it with my fingers. 

My eyes move down my chest, towards my stomach. “Dad bod, is what they call this?” I say to myself as I pat my slowly rounding tummy. I slide my fingers down from my breast bone down my navel. My  stomach isn’t as hairy as my chest, but underneath my belly button is the classic treasure trail. I trace it with my finger and stop just above my groin. My eyes focus in on my wet, glistening pubes. I run my fingers through them. I’ve always enjoyed a more hirsute crotch. As my eyes moved around my body, I could feel the familiar twitch from down below. Sure enough, as I cast my eyes down my reflection, I was greeted by the sight of my still wet cock. I stared intensely as it started to thicken, reaching upwards towards its doppelgänger in the mirror. 

I leant a little closer, allowing my glistening dick to touch the cool surface of the mirror. As I pulled away, a string of pre-cum sprung forth, like the dew on an early spring morning. I reached down and took my fully erect prick into my hand, closing my fist around it tightly. 

Staring myself straight in the eye, I began to stroke. Slowly at first, just taking in every second. The tip of my cock peeked through my foreskin, revealing a sticky wet tip. I ran my finger over and brought it to my lips. The taste on my lips made me stiffer than I’ve ever been. It’s why I get really turned on when I can taste myself on someone else’s lips after they’ve gone down on me. It’s absolutely phenomenal. With this image in my head, I started to watch myself stroking. I watched my foreskin sliding back and forth. My free hand moved towards my still-erect nipple and began to gently twist them. 

My breathing became more shallow, beads of sweat were now forming atop my brow. My rhythm increased as my eyes focused intently on my cock. Just as I was reaching the point of no return, I looked directly into my own eyes. With one final pump, my knees buckled slightly and I let out a shuddering gasp. Thick ropes of spunk splashed onto the mirror. My hand reached out to steady myself against the wall, as the last few drops landed on the wet floor. I looked down at the dribbles of jizz slowly sliding down the mirror. My face was flush, and I realised I would need to head back into the shower. 

Looking into my eyes, a soft smile spread across my face. I stood and watched my cock go flaccid. As I turned to head back into the shower; I took one final look in the mirror and whispered to myself “We should do this again sometime…”

Looking to keep your month of May full of masturbatory cheer? Use code BIGGAYREV15 over at Lovehoney and save 15% off a variety of strokers and other self-pleasure toys. You can save up to 50% off a select number of toys too!

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